Thursday, September 6, 2012


My internal lever has been a bit sticky lately so when I've tried to dispatch said lever, I haven't been getting a clear reading. This lever of course dispenses my suspension of disbelief. Dang its faultiness when I get the last episodes this year of Breaking Bad and the premiere of Doctor Who. Thoughts (and spoilers) after the jump.

In no way do I believe Mike Ehrmantraut would allow Walt to grab his getaway bag. No way would I believe that if Walt did show up with the getaway bag, Mike would 1) not first check to see if everything was all there or 2) wield nothing in the way of ammunition besides a lacerating tongue. And yet all of these things happened. But Mike's death, sitting on a rock, looking out into the water, telling Walt to shut his mouth so that he can die in peace...perfect. The illusions that Walt has built this whole season tremble in that one moment.

In Doctor Who we are supposed to believe that Amy and Rory have split up. Amelia Pond and Rory Williams, the Girl Who Waited and the Last Centurion. Amy is barren and Rory has always wanted children. And even when I'm caught up in this tearful reconciliation of who-loves-the-other-more, I can't completely believe it. Everything about that scene is wonderful, but the events leading up to it? Questionable. Deploy, suspension of disbelief!

There is a television rapture that ignores plot holes and shields deus ex machinas, but I can only reach said state intermittently. "The Girl in the Fireplace", "Once More With Feeling", "Plan B", "The Great Doctor Brown", the Pilot episode for "Felicity, "Hunting Trip" (clip included).

Why should I lower my standards. I ask, why!

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