I don't think it too coincidental that when I was ruminating on topics for this blog, my mind kept gravitating toward my favorite movie, To Live. The film features a family's survival in China. Their journey spans decades and endures changes in economy, politics and home life. Loved ones die and children come into the world, but the focus is always on keeping the family together and if not always together than protected.
They fight for survival, but they don't use weapons. Their status is small. And sometimes what they most wish for doesn't work out in the way they hope. I'm always so carried away in the story, basking in the pockets of sweetness, in the moments of heartbreak. Jiazhen, the wife and mother explains that her desire has always been the same. A quiet life with her family.
Thanksgiving is easily my favorite holiday. I'm glad to have moments where I can spend real quality time with my family remembering how grateful we are to have each other. I know it's still a ways a way, but the reminder is still sometimes needed.
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