I am grateful for the Salt Lake County Library System. There was a period of time when I was a pretty voracious book buyer. I loved walking into the local Barnes & Noble or King's English bookstore, wandering through the stacks of shelves and finding a special book to add to my collection. After awhile I soon realized that actual reading wasn't keeping pace with actual buying and I decided to take a break. It also seemed like purchasing books made me less likely to read it once I came home.
In fact, one of my new year's resolutions is to read one unfinished book from my collection and though I have re-read several books of my own, this particular resolution remains unchecked. I have a lot of false starts with books and an annoying Proust narcolepsy.
The library swooped in and saved my pocketbook, but made accessible a lot of books that would have otherwise stayed on my shelf. The three week policy is a nice nudge to finish and if I need a gentler hand, I can usually renew and give myself an extension.
Even on new titles, the selection is pretty vast and the atmosphere soothing. My local library has changed a few times with my residency but I've been able to stay within the borders of the library system. This is also helpful with unfamiliar book club selections or third party book recommendations.
The best thing that the library has done for me is made me appreciate the books I now own and choose to own in the future. My to-buy list is much shorter, but more selective. One day I will actually read all of the books I own and add new ones that will have already become favorites. Win, win!
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