Woah, kids. Last night's Gossip Girl was awesome. I can't tell you any plot points because I was blinded in the first few minutes with Chuck Bass's awesome tracksuit. Awesome is an understatement. The proper description would give a withering stare to "awesome" and tell it to GTFO. There was a mixture of laughter and shrieking. Delightful shrieking. Thank goodness for the internet.
I mean sartorially Chuck has always been aces, but the red tracksuit, man. THE RED TRACKSUIT. I am buying this for my husband so that he can just leisurely walk around in it. You know, like you do. His reaction to the pictures I showed him were less than excited, but I'll wear him down.
I seriously haven't been this amused by an article of clothing since...have I ever been this amused? Oh, gifs. How you've become my new favorite. (GIFS)
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