I just finished Terri Pratchett's Wyrd Sisters and besides the after effect of me talking in a terrible British accent for most of yesterday (my sister's description, not mine), I also concluded that Terri Pratchett grants great godmother wishes. "Three good witches are supposed to give the baby three gifts."
Instead of the usual fairy nonsense, they come up with three gifts I can't say I would regret receiving myself. The ability to make friends easily, a good memory and becoming exactly the person you think you are. Beat that, Perrault with your dumb beauty and gift of song! Okay, let's be honest, Walt Disney.
In fact their reasoning was so sound, I find it difficult to come up with three better. The baby didn't need good looks as his father would provide the genes for that. He didn't need wisdom as they would allow the opportunity for the boy to find it himself. Money isn't everything, they reasoned.
I suppose if there were three attributes that I would wish for myself (aside from the Terri Pratchett ones), I would like the ability to say exactly what I wanted to say, with the right tone, inflection, volume and intent as to be perfectly understood. I would like to know the right moments to be silent. And lastly, I would like to have perfect hand eye coordination (the last one would have saved me a lot of embarrassment my entire childhood and adolescence).
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