Two of the blogs I most frequent reference the Atlantic article titled "
Why Women Can't Have It All" (
Get Rich Slowly and
Cup of Jo). I've thought about this article a lot in the past couple of weeks. I don't have children or aging parents. It's pretty much just me and the spouse. I'm also a comfortable eight-to-fiver in a small department with over seven years with the company under my belt and...I was about to make a declarative statement about my future, but I know how jinxes work.
Still, I think babies may be in my future and what then? Will these hobbies I've been collecting lead me anywhere? How will I make it work if I decide to go back to school? What if I die before I get to do all of the things I want to do?
These dizzying questions sound a lot like when I was deciding whether I should I marry my husband. The advice I heeded was my mom's. She said, "So what? So what if things don't work exactly how you thought they would? The surprises might make you a better you." She also added, "If the only reason why you're not doing something is because you're afraid, you're just being dumb."
I've been grumpy that the baby sweater I'm currently knitting is taking up all my time this week, which is causing me anxiety with the whole "if I think this is time consuming" line of thinking. Where is this well rounded person that speaks six languages, plays multiple instruments, cooks elaborate meals and exercises five times a week? Does this person exist? Surely there are women in my neighborhood that fit this description. I think.